################################ Server Tuning & Performance Tips ################################ There are a number of options to tune the ownCloud installation and enable a higher level of performance. This chapter gives a few hands-on tips on configuring your database, and LAMP stack to improve performance. This chapter is community-maintained and unsupported; test these tips carefully before deploying them on production servers. If you wish to add tips to this page, please put them in the relevant section. If there isn't an appropriate section then start a new one. .. _phpinfo: *************************** PHP Version and Information *************************** You will need to know your PHP version and configurations. To do this, create a plain-text file named **phpinfo.php** and place it in your Web root, for example ``/var/www/html/phpinfo.php``. (Your Web root may be in a different location; your Linux distribution documentation will tell you where.) This file contains just this line:: Open this file in a Web browser by pointing your browser to ``localhost/phpinfo.php``: .. figure:: ../images/phpinfo.png Your PHP version is at the top, and the rest of the page contains abundant system information such as active modules, active `.ini` files, and much more. When you are finished reviewing your information you must delete ``phpinfo.php``, or move it outside of your Web directory, because it is a security risk to expose such sensitive data. ********************** ownCloud Server Tuning ********************** Serving static files via web server =================================== See :doc:`../configuration_files/serving_static_files_configuration` for a description and the benefits. Using cron to perform background jobs ===================================== See :doc:`background_jobs_configuration` for a description and the benefits. Enable JavaScript and CSS Asset Management ========================================== See :doc:`js_css_asset_management_configuration` for a description and the benefits. .. _caching: ******* Caching ******* .. note:: Memory cache configuration for the ownCloud server is no longer automatic, requiring configuration in config.php with the keys memcache.local and/or memcache.distributed; see :doc:`config_sample_php_parameters`. Before the memcache.local can be used you need to install APC, APCu or XCache. Caching improves performance by storing data, code, and other objects in memory. The APC or OPCache bytecode cache are commonly used in PHP environments. This example installs APC on CentOS/Red Hat/Fedora systems running PHP 5.4: .. code-block:: console $ sudo yum install php-pecl-apc On Ubuntu systems running PHP 5.4 this command installs APC: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install php-apc PHP 5.5 replaces APC with OPCache. OPCache is bundled with PHP 5.5 so it should not be necessary to install it separately. OPCache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request. This extension is bundled with PHP 5.5.0 and later, and is available in PECL for PHP versions 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4. APC is both an opcode cache and data store. OPCache is only an opcode cache, so for caching user data you should also install APCu. You can test the state of APC(u) by putting the testing file from the documentation in your server root. It is usually called 'apc.php' and can be found in /usr/share/doc/php5-apcu/apc.php or /usr/share/doc/packages/php5-apcu/apc.php or a similar location, depending on your distribution. The Redis key-value cache and store is an excellent fast and robust cache. For configuration examples see :doc:`config_sample_php_parameters`. Distributed PHP environments should use Memcached. Memcached servers must be specified in the ``memcached_servers`` array in ownCloud's config file ``config.php``. For examples see :doc:`config_sample_php_parameters`. .. note:: When a memory cache has been configured, but is unavailable due to a a missing extension or server downtime, ownCloud will be inaccessible, as a memory cache is considered to be a vital component. This does not however affect **occ**, which will instead just print a warning to the logs. ************** Webserver Tips ************** PHP safe mode ============= PHP safe mode has to be turned off. It is deprecated and has been removed in newer PHP versions. Verify its status in `phpinfo_`, and look for ``safe_mode on/off``. If it is on, then add this line to ``php.ini`` to turn it off:: safe_mode = Off Enable the SPDY protocol ======================== Your webserver can be configured to use the SPDY protocol which could improve the overall performance of ownCloud. Please have a look at the documentation of your webservers module for more information: * `mod-spdy for Apache `_ * `ngx_http_spdy_module for nginx `_ .. note:: If you want to enable SPDY for Apache please note the `Known Issues `_ of this module to avoid problems after enabling it. ************* Apache Tuning ************* Maximum number of Apache processes ================================== An Apache process uses around 12MB of RAM. Apache should be configured so that the maximum number of HTTPD processes times 12MB is lower than the amount of RAM. Otherwise the system begins to swap and the performance goes down. KeepAlive should be configured with sensible defaults ===================================================== .. code-block:: apache KeepAlive On KeepAliveTimeout 2 MaxKeepAliveRequests 10 mod_gzip ======== ``mod_gzip`` should be used because it speeds up the transfer of data and helps to free server memory, and HTTP connections are closed faster. .. Commented out because oC does not support mod_deflate .. mod_deflate .. ----------- .. mod_deflate should be used because it speeds up the transfer of data and helps .. to free server memory and http connections are closed faster MPM === Apache prefork has to be used. Don’t use threaded ``mpm`` with ``mod_php`` because PHP is currently not thread safe. Hostname Lookups ================ .. code-block:: bash # cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ... HostnameLookups off Log files ========= Log files should be switched off for maximum performance. Comment out the ``CustomLog`` directive. Keep ``ErrorLog`` to be able to track down errors. .. todo: loglevel? MaxKeepAliveRequests 4096 ========================= .. code-block:: apache StartServers 100 MinSpareServers 100 MaxSpareServers 2000 ServerLimit 6000 MaxClients 6000 MaxRequestsPerChild 4000 Options Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch AllowOverride All ****************************************** Nginx: caching ownCloud gallery thumbnails ****************************************** One of the optimisations for ownCloud when using Nginx as the webserver is to combine FastCGI caching with "Cache Purge", a `3rdparty Nginx module `_ that adds the ability to purge content from `FastCGI`, `proxy`, `SCGI` and `uWSGI` caches. This mechanism speeds up thumbnail presentation as it shifts requests to Nginx and minimizes php invocations which otherwise would take place for every thumbnail presented every time. The following procedure is based on an Ubuntu 14.04 system. You may need to adapt it according your OS type and release. .. note:: Unlike Apache, Nginx does not dynamically load modules. All modules needed, must be compiled into Nginx. This is one of the reasons for Nginx´s performance. It is expected to have an already running Nginx installation with a working configuration set up like described in the ownCloud documentation. Nginx module check ================== As a first step, it is necessary to check if your Nginx installation has the ``nginx cache purge`` module compiled in:: nginx -V 2>&1 | grep ngx_cache_purge -o If your output contains ``ngx_cache_purge``, you can continue with the configuration, otherwise you need to manually compile Nginx with the module needed. Compile Nginx with the ``nginx-cache-purge`` module =================================================== 1. **Preparation:** .. code-block:: bash cd /opt wget http://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key sudo apt-key add nginx_signing.key sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list Add the following lines (if different, replace ``{trusty}`` by your distribution name):: deb http://nginx.org/packages/mainline/ubuntu/ trusty nginx deb -src http://nginx.org/packages/mainline/ubuntu/ trusty nginx Then run ``sudo apt-get update`` .. note:: If you're not overly cautious and wish to install the latest and greatest Nginx packages and features, you may have to install Nginx from its mainline repository. From the Nginx homepage: "In general, you should deploy Nginx from its mainline branch at all times." If you would like to use standard Nginx from the latest mainline branch but without compiling in any additional modules, just run ``sudo apt-get install nginx``. 2. **Download the Nginx source from the ppa repository** .. code-block:: bash cd /opt sudo apt-get build-dep nginx sudo apt-get source nginx 3. **Download module(s) to be compiled in and configure compiler arguments** .. code-block:: bash ls -la Please replace ``{release}`` with the release downloaded:: cd /opt/nginx-{release}/debian If folder "modules" is not present, do: .. code-block:: bash sudo mkdir modules cd modules sudo git clone https://github.com/FRiCKLE/ngx_cache_purge.git sudo vi /opt/nginx-{release}/debian/rules If not present, add the following line at the top under:: #export DH_VERBOSE=1: MODULESDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/modules And at the end of every ``configure`` command add:: --add-module=$(MODULESDIR)/ngx_cache_purge Don't forget to escape preceeding lines with a backslash ``\``. The parameters may now look like:: $(WITH_SPDY) \ --with-cc-opt="$(CFLAGS)" \ --with-ld-opt="$(LDFLAGS)" \ --with-ipv6 \ --add-module=$(MODULESDIR)/ngx_cache_purge 4. **Compile and install Nginx** .. code-block:: bash cd /opt/nginx-{release} sudo dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b ls -la /opt sudo dpkg --install /opt/nginx_{release}~{distribution}_amd64.deb 5. **Check if the compilation and installation of the ngx_cache_purge module was successful** .. code-block:: bash nginx -V 2>&1 | grep ngx_cache_purge -o It should now show: ``ngx_cache_purge`` Show Nginx version including all features compiled and installed:: nginx -V 2>&1 | sed s/" --"/"\n\t--"/g 6. **Mark Nginx to be blocked from further updates via apt-get** .. code-block:: bash sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep nginx For every nginx component listed run ``sudo apt-mark hold `` 7. **Regular checks for nginx updates** Do a regular visit on the `Nginx news page `_ and proceed in case of updates with items 2 to 5. Configure Nginx with the ``nginx-cache-purge`` module ===================================================== 1. **Preparation** Create a directory where Nginx will save the cached thumbnails. Use any path that fits to your environment. Replace ``{path}`` in this example with your file path: .. code-block:: bash sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/tmp/cache 2. **Configuration** .. code-block:: bash sudo vi /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{your-ownCloud-nginx-config-file} Add at the *beginning*, but *outside* the ``server{}`` block:: fastcgi_cache_path {path} levels=1:2 keys_zone=OWNCLOUD:100m inactive=60m; Add *inside* the ``server{}`` block, as an example of a configuration:: set $skip_cache 1; # POST requests and urls with a query string should always go to PHP if ($request_uri ~* "thumbnail.php") { set $skip_cache 0; } fastcgi_cache_key "$scheme$request_method$host$request_uri"; fastcgi_cache_use_stale error timeout invalid_header http_500; fastcgi_ignore_headers Cache-Control Expires Set-Cookie; location ~ \.php(?:$/) { fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info; fastcgi_param HTTPS on; fastcgi_pass php-handler; fastcgi_cache_bypass $skip_cache; fastcgi_no_cache $skip_cache; fastcgi_cache OWNCLOUD; fastcgi_cache_valid 60m; } .. note: Note regarding the ``fastcgi_pass`` parameter: Use whatever fits your configuration. In the example above, an ``upstream`` was defined in an Nginx global configuration file. This then can look like:: upstream php-handler { server; # or #server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; } 3. **Test the configuration** .. code-block:: bash sudo service nginx restart * Open your browser and clear your cache. * Logon to your ownCloud instance, open the gallery app, move thru your folders and watch while the thumbnails are generated for the first time. * You may also watch with eg. ``htop`` your system load while the thumbnails are processed. * Go to another app or logout and relogon. * Open the gallery app again and browse to the folders you accessed before. Your thumbnails should appear more or less immediately. * ``htop`` will not show up additional load while processing, compared to the high load before. ********************** Database Best Practice ********************** Currently ownCloud supports the following relational database management systems: - MySQL - MariaDB - PostgreSQL - SQLite - Oracle SQLite is not supported in the Enterprise edition, and is not recommended except for systems with very light workloads, and for testing ownCloud. We are using the `doctrine database abstraction layer`_ and schema evolution with a `MDB2 Schema`_ based table description in XML. .. _doctrine database abstraction layer: http://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/dbal.html .. _MDB2 Schema: https://raw2.github.com/pear/MDB2_Schema/master/docs/ xml_schema_documentation.html Using MariaDB/MySQL instead of SQLite ===================================== MySQL or MariaDB are preferred because of the `performance limitations of SQLite with highly concurrent applications `_, like ownCloud. On large instances you could consider `running MySQLTuner `_ to optimize the database. See the section :doc:`../configuration_database/linux_database_configuration` for how to configure ownCloud for MySQL or MariaDB. If your installation is already running on SQLite then it is possible to convert to MySQL or MariaDB using the steps provided in :doc:`../configuration_database/db_conversion`. Improve slow performance with MySQL on Windows ============================================== On Windows hosts running MySQL on the same system changing the parameter ``dbhost`` in your ``config/config.php`` from ``localhost`` to ```` could improve the page loading time. See also `this forum thread `_. Other performance improvements ============================== Mysql: compare https://tools.percona.com/wizard to your current settings MariaDB: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/optimization-and-tuning/ Postgresql ========== Alternative to MariaDB/MySQL. Used in production by a few core developers. Requires at least Postgresql 9.0 Other performance improvements ------------------------------ See http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Performance_Optimization Oracle Database =============== Usage scenario: Existing enterprise installations. Only core apps are supported and tested. Not recommended because it involves compiling the oci8 Other performance improvements ------------------------------ http://de.slideshare.net/cjorcl/best-practices-php-and-the-oracle-database and ask your DBA. Problems -------- When ORA-56600 occurs (Oracle Bug 8467564) set this php.ini setting: `oci8.statement_cache_size=1000`, see `oracle forum discussion`_ .. _oracle forum discussion: https://community.oracle.com/message/3468020#3468020 ******************** SSL / Encryption App ******************** SSL (HTTPS) and file encryption/decryption can be offloaded to a processor's AES-NI extension. This can both speed up these operations while lowering processing overhead. This requires a processor with the `AES-NI instruction set `_. Here are some examples how to check if your CPU / environment supports the AES-NI extension: * For each CPU core present: ``grep flags /proc/cpuinfo`` or as a summary for all cores: ``grep -m 1 ^flags /proc/cpuinfo`` If the result contains any ``aes``, the extension is present. .. windows is not supported on 8.x .. * On Windows you can run ``coreinfo`` from Sysinternals `Windows .. Sysinternals .. Download Coreinfo .. `_ which .. gives you details of the processor and extensions present. Note: you may .. have .. to run the command shell as administrator to get an output. * Search eg. on the Intel web if the processor used supports the extension `Intel Processor Feature Filter `_ You may set a filter by ``"AES New Instructions"`` to get a reduced result set. * For versions of openssl >= 1.0.1, AES-NI does not work via an engine and will not show up in the ``openssl engine`` command. It is active by default on the supported hardware. You can check the openssl version via ``openssl version -a`` * If your processor supports AES-NI but it does not show up eg via grep or coreinfo, it is maybe disabled in the BIOS. * If your environment runs virtualized, check the virtualization vendor for support.